Accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (GAAP) for nongovernmental entities are voluminous, complex, and constantly changing. PPC’s Guide to GAAP is an up-to-date, comprehensive, and easy-to-use resource for researching and applying GAAP. With its clear and concise guidance, examples, practice aids, and practical considerations, you’ll find this Guide to be a valuable, timesaving tool for researching and applying GAAP.
Organized by topics found in the FASB Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) and with an easy-to-use topical index and cross-reference to the FASB ASC, this Guide makes it simple to find the answers you need quickly. Rather than just repeating the underlying authoritative standards, the Guide uses clear, concise language to reduce the technical jargon of the FASB to easy-to-understand advice and guidance.
The Guide includes the following useful features:
Available in multiple formats, this Guide can help you confidently address almost every situation you might encounter in applying GAAP.
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