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The Best Time-saving Microsoft® Excel-based Practice Aids and Engagement Tools in the Industry!
From the source you've trusted for engagement guidance comes a collection of money-saving tools to automate your engagements. These MS Excel-based practice aids and templates save you setup and completion time, and help you follow professional standards and the PPC engagement process. Since they are built with MS Excel and based on the PPC guidance you already use, you can start saving money right away!
PPC's Workpapers™ for Local Governments is designed to work with PPC's Engagement Manager®, Creative Solutions' Engagement Solution® or with MS Excel® alone. PPC's Workpapers™ give you tickmark capabilities that can be applied to any MS Excel workbook! You can customize your tickmark descriptions and automatically create customized tickmark legends.
Key practice aids and tools to streamline your audits of local governments, including: