The most all-inclusive plan for practitioners to help you serve all your client’s accounting, financial statement preparation, and compilation and review needs with maximum efficiency, including the unique needs of your nonprofit and governmental clients.
The Checkpoint Comprehensive Accounting plan from Thomson Reuters guides you on how to provide profitable bookkeeping and payroll services, prepare financial statements, perform compilation and review engagements, interpret the GAAP authoritative literature, and more. It is great for firms who have a significant practice with nonprofit and governmental clients or want to expand their accounting services practice to the next level and take on more types of clients in those sectors.
This plan includes everything from the Checkpoint Core Accounting plan:
The Checkpoint Comprehensive Accounting plan keeps you up to date on current awareness and news related to the nonprofit and government sectors and helps you confidently address every situation you might encounter when preparing nonprofit and governmental financial statements in accordance with GAAP.
Included in the Nonprofit Accounting Library are: The PPC Nonprofit Update, PPC's Guide to Nonprofit Contributions, PPC's Guide to Nonprofit Expenses, PPC's Guide to Nonprofit Financial Statement Illustrations and Trends, PPC's Guide to Nonprofit GAAP, PPC's Guide to Preparing Nonprofit Financial Statements, PPC's Nonprofit Financial and Accounting Manual with Practice Aids, and PPC's Guide to Religious Organizations.
Included in the Government Accounting Library are: The PPC Governmental Update, PPC's Governmental Financial Statement Illustrations and Trends, and PPC's Guide to Preparing Governmental Financial Statements with Practice Aids
Included in the Checkpoint Comprehensive Accounting plan are numerous PPC Guides. Accounting firms across the U.S. have trusted PPC's Audit and Accounting guidance, engagement workflow tools, and integrated quality control system for over 30 years. No other resource provides the breadth and depth of industry coverage to help you cope with new and changing standards.
Also included in the Checkpoint Comprehensive Accounting plan are the PPC's Practice Aids for the relevant Guides. PPC's Practice Aids are Microsoft Word and Excel versions of all of the editable practice aids in the related PPC Guide. PPC's Practice Aids work with leading paperless engagement software or with Word and Excel alone.
This package includes: A 1 day pass to the Checkpoint Comprehensive Accounting plan