The best source for classification guidance under the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the U.S. (HTSUS). A must for successful customs brokers, consultants, and experienced importers.
Issued by the World Customs Organization Council (WCO) in Brussels, the Explanatory Notes are the official classification guidelines of the trade community, and are essential to the correct classification of goods.
Text covers the General Rules of Interpretation, Section Notes, Chapters and Subheadings.
Can be used for entry classification, protests, and to resolve classification disputes with U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
In the 2022 edition, new Explanatory Notes have been created to addess hundreds of amendments adopted by the WCO affecting multiple products and product groups, including electronic waste (e-waste), edible insects, unmanned aerial vehicles (drones), health and medical research-related products and dual use goods.
Text covers the General Rules of Interpretation, Section Notes, Chapters and Subheadings. Can be used for entry classification, protests, and to resolve classification disputes with U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
The WCO publishes the changes that will affect you.
• Amendments to answer new technology, new product streams and emerging global issues; adapt the Nomenclature to commercial practices in application and bring greater precision to the Nomenclature texts
• Thousands of pages of clear, concise explanation
• Arranged in the same numerical order as the HTSUS
• Technical descriptions of goods
• Practical guidelines for classification
• Heavy-duty binders included