The challenge of interpreting and implementing the authoritative literature comprising nonprofit GAAP is greater today than at any time in recent history. PPC's Guide to Nonprofit GAAP helps you meet that challenge. The format of our Guide helps you to locate answers quickly and easily. It covers all of the authoritative literature that applies to nonprofit organizations and provides references to the FASB Accounting Standards Codification. You'll also get a specialized disclosure checklist tailored just for nonprofit organizations.
Learn MoreExpert analysis and innovative planning ideas incorporating the latest tax amendments.
The first and only source for expert analysis of the current real estate tax laws, rules, and regulations. This 6th Edition offers guidance in sheltering real estate income and creating tax savings for your clients.
Learn MoreExpert analysis and tax guidance on the federal taxation of those organizations recognized as exempt under federal law.
Learn MoreGuidance on planning and managing taxes for financial institutions in a changing and challenging financial environment.
Learn MorePPC's Guide to Religious Organizations is loaded with practical guidance, real life examples, and timesaving checklists and practice aids to give you the knowledge you need to confidently and competently address all the accounting, financial reporting, and tax issues affecting religious organizations. The Guide helps you understand unique tax issues including ministers’ taxes, housing allowances, and discretionary funds; unrelated business income; political activities and lobbying; and intermediate sanctions. The Guide explains special accounting considerations such as accounting for faith promises, furloughs and sabbaticals, and contributed services. It also provides you with sample religious organization financial statements, and shows you how to strengthen internal controls and help prevent fraud.
Learn MorePPC's Guide to Real Estate provides comprehensive real estate accounting and tax guidance in a single, easy-to-use source. The Guide provides the information and tools you need to address the accounting and tax aspects of acquiring, developing, building, leasing, and selling real estate.
Learn MoreAudits of HUD multifamily project owners require specialized guidance and tools to address their unique accounting and compliance audit requirements. PPC's Guide to HUD Audits provides the audit programs, checklists, confirmations, and auditor's reports you need to correctly perform these audits in an effective and efficient manner. Guidance and practice aids are provided for audits of for profit project owners in accordance with the HUD audit guide and for nonprofit project owners in accordance with OMB Circular A-133.
Learn MorePPC's Specialized Industry Tax Guide provides an economical way to obtain the detailed information you need on the unique and varied tax planning and compliance issues facing many of the industries and professions found in your client base, including the oil and gas industry.
Learn MorePPC's Guide to Homeowners' Associations and Other Common Interest Realty Associations is the most comprehensive Guide ever written about homeowners' associations, condominium associations, cooperative housing corporations, and time-share developments. The Guide covers the unique accounting, auditing, and reporting issues for common interest realty associations (CIRAs) and gives you everything you need to perform audit, compilation, and review engagements both effectively and profitably.
Learn MoreNonprofit organizations may require compilations, reviews, audits, or Single Audits. PPC's Guide to Audits of Nonprofit Organizations includes tailored practice aids to help you perform audits and engagements for your nonprofit clients in accordance with professional standards. The Guide contains report examples and multiple sets of audit programs including a set of initial audit programs, a core set appropriate for any audit engagement, and a set appropriate for many small organization audits.
Learn MorePPC's Nonprofit Financial Statement Illustrations and Trends offers more than 20 current financial statements and illustrative notes for various types and sizes of nonprofit organizations. Get consistency in style, format, and technical quality of financial statements with this essential guide. The Guide also includes a Trends Survey to provide insight on various reporting alternatives available to nonprofit organizations and discuss common errors noted during the survey.
Learn MorePhysicians and other health care professionals often need a wide variety of professional services from their trusted CPA. PPC's Guide to Physicians and Other Health Care Professionals covers a wide range of profitable services, including write-up, financial planning, federal income tax planning, retirement plans, and payroll taxes. It also addresses Medicare laws and regulations, the fraud and abuse laws, physician compensation arrangements and how to divide the profits of the practice, medical office management, and billing considerations.
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